
Documenting how I made this site

To Do:

Starting Some of the background ethos of having your own site

Start by going to the Landchad wesite and follow the guid for starting your own site.

Note, if you do this on a weekend your domain may take until the next bissness day or so to be usable.

There and many ways to make a static site like these CSSANDHTML STACTIC VIDEO LUKE MORE. Choose one that you like, I picked hugo.

First we need a theme, I like lugo but have went with STARTER THEME. After downloading Hugo, start a new site. Add the theme, and in the main content folder add in the whatever you want the main page to say.

In content make folders Blog, Projects, Links, and whatever you want. Make a in the main content folder and all other folders (they can be blank.) Then in those folders add another folder named for the current year, this is where your content will go. This will help for organaztion.

Now in the config.tomal add links to all the folders.

Now add something in one of those folders, make the site.

Now add a deploy script I found.

run the script, and point the server to the new folder.

The site should be up and running.